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Broadwater Farm Relocation Survey
Page 1 of 4
31 Mar 2025
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Patient Feedback
1. Which building do you use for GP services?
Broadwater Farm branch site
Lawrence House Surgery
2. How often do you come to the Broadwater Farm building?
More than once a month
Every month
Every six months
Once a year
Less than once a year
3. How do you travel to Broadwater Farm branch site now?
By car
Public Transport
Other - please provide details below:
If you have said other, please provide more information
4. How long does it currently take for you to travel from your home to the Broadwater Farm site?
Up to 10 minutes
Up to 20 minutes
Unto 30 minutes
More than 30 minutes
5. How easy is your travel journey to Broadwater Farm site?
Very easy
Fairly easy
Fairly difficult
Very difficult
6. If GP services at Broadwater Farm building move to the Lawrence House building, how would you access GP services (Please select one option from those provided below which applies most to you)
I would continue to access services from Lawrence House Surgery
It would make it harder for me to travel to appointments.
I would register with another practice
Other (Please state here)
Prefer not to say
If you have said other, please provide more information
7. Have you used the Lawrence House Surgery for accessing GP services?
Don't know
8. How easy or difficult is your journey to Lawrence House Surgery?
Very Easy
Very Difficult
Prefer not to say
Other – please give details
If you have said other, please provide more information
9. If the Broadwater Farm building moves, how would you travel to Lawrence House Surgery?
By car
Public Transport
If you have said other, please provide more information
10. How long would it take for you to travel from your home to Lawrence House Surgery?
Up to 10 minutes
Up to 20 minutes
Up to 30 minutes
More than 30 minutes
If you have said other, please provide more information
11. Generally, how easy is it to get through to someone at your current GP practice on the phone?
Very easy
Fairly easy
Not very easy
Not at all easy
Haven’t tried
12. Generally, can you receive an appointment within two weeks?
Almost always
13. For urgent needs, can you receive an appointment on the same or next day?
Almost always
14. How satisfied are you with the general practice appointment times that are available to you?
Very satisfied
Fairly satisfied
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
Fairly dissatisfied
Very dissatisfied
I’m not sure when I get an appointment
15. How easy is it to get a face-to-face appointment at your practice when you need one?
Very easy
Fairly Easy
Not very easy
Not at all easy
Haven’t tried
16. Do you have any other comments you would like us to consider?
17. What is your postcode? This will help us to understand how far you live from the practice.
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