Brunswick Medical Practice - Patient Survey

Closed 8 Nov 2023

Opened 1 Oct 2023


Cornwall House Surgery is exploring the possibility of moving our GP services to Torrington Park Health Centre, a modern purpose-built health centre in North Finchley. We are writing to seek the views of all patients currently registered with the practice on our proposal to relocate to the health centre.

Cornwall House has served as a GP surgery for over 50 years however, due to its age and Grade 2 listed status, it does not easily comply with the requirements for a modern health facility, most importantly in relation to access for those with restricted mobility. It is for this reason, the surgery is considering relocating into newly refurbished modern, fit for purpose premises at Torrington Park Health Centre (TPHC). The new premises will allow easier access for those with disabilities or restricted mobility and a better patient experience due to the modern facilities.

Torrington Park Health Centre is approximately 1.2 miles from Cornwall House Surgery, roughly 22 minutes’ walk, about 7 minutes' by bus and approximately 6 minutes' journey by car.  The health centre is served by four bus routes: 125, 263, 383 and 626. The nearest tube is Woodside Park (Northern Line). There is a large public car park at Lodge lane (3 minute walk).

We wanted to take this opportunity to reassure you that all the GPs and staff will remain the same, with no changes to the services you currently receive from Cornwall House. The surgery’s opening hours will also remain the same and no patients will be asked to leave the surgery because of the move.

The recently renovated health centre currently provides services delivered by two GP practices along with community health providers including podiatry, dental services, eye screening and sexual health.

We want to make sure that we provide an opportunity for you to have your say. Your feedback will be used when making the final decision on the relocation of our practice.   

Please follow the link below to complete the survey.

If you would like some help to fill out this survey for any reason, please speak to your GP practice reception team or email: Paper versions of this survey are also available at your practice if you would prefer to complete it in this way. Please complete and submit online or at the practice by Monday 6 November 2023.

All responses to the survey will be anonymous. 

Yours sincerely,

Dr Adam Townley & Dr Hoda Hosseini


  • All Areas


  • Anyone from any background


  • GP Practices