233 results
2023-2024 Homelessness LCS Educational Event Action Plan
Please click below to start the survey. MoreClosed 10 April 2024 -
NCL Musculoskeletal community service proposals feedback - Residents/Patients
Musculoskeletal (MSK) conditions are a prevalent cause of long-term pain and physical disability in England. In North Central London (NCL), we have seen a significant increase in demand for MSK community services, and recognise there are significant disparities in community services across the five NCL boroughs. To address these challenges, we’ve reviewed our current MSK community services in NCL, and designed some solutions that will help transform and level up our... MoreClosed 22 March 2024 -
NCL Musculoskeletal community service proposals feedback - Providers
Musculoskeletal (MSK) conditions are a prevalent cause of long-term pain and physical disability in England. In North Central London (NCL), demand for MSK community services is outstripping our current capacity, along with a 10% increase in community MSK referrals in the last year. There are also significant disparities in community services across the five NCL boroughs, with substantial variations in waiting times . A Case for Change has been developed to address these... MoreClosed 22 March 2024 -
Mitchison Road Surgery - Patient Survey
Dear Patient We would like to hear your views on the services provided by your GP practice: Mitchison Road Surgery. Your GP practice is run by AT Medics which has a contract to provide services at your GP practice for all registered patients. The contract is at a review point which gives us (North Central London Integrated Care Board) an opportunity to hear from patients to understand what’s working well and where improvements could be made in the future. This... MoreClosed 12 March 2024 -
St Ann’s Road Surgery - patient survey
Dear patient We would like to hear your views on the services provided by your GP practice: St Ann’s Road Surgery. Your GP practice is run by AT Medics which has a contract to provide services at your GP practice for all registered patients. The contract is at a review point which gives us (North Central London Integrated Care Board) an opportunity to hear from patients to understand what’s working well and where improvements could be made in the future. This... MoreClosed 16 February 2024 -
Special Allocation Service - patient survey
Dear patient We would like to hear your views on the services provided by your GP practice. Your GP practice is run by Medicus Select Care which has a contract to provide services at your GP practice for all registered patients. The contract is at a review point which gives us (North Central London Integrated Care Board) an opportunity to hear from patients to understand what’s working well and where improvements could be made in the future. This contract review... MoreClosed 16 February 2024 -
NHS NCL GP Feedback on Hernia Referral Pilot
Dear GP, NHS NCL has been running the single point of access pilot for all hernia surgery referrals since March 2023. The purpose of the pilot is to streamline and standardise management of hernias across NCL, to minimise patient waiting times and direct patients to the most clinically suitable surgical department in NCL. We would like to hear about your experience of referring through this pathway. It will take you no more than 5 minutes to complete this short... MoreClosed 2 February 2024 -
NHS NCL Hernia Pilot – Patient Feedback
In North Central London (Barnet, Camden, Enfield, Haringey & Islington) we are testing a new model for the surgical care of patients with hernias and would be keen to know what you think. Please take a few minutes to complete our online survey to let us know how we could have improved your experience. Everything you say will be anonymous and will help us to improve our service. Yours faithfully Helen Shih Project Support Officer ... MoreClosed 2 February 2024 -
St Andrew's Medical Practice - Patient Survey
North Central London Integrated Care Board (NCL IBC) is conducting a survey to seek your views as a patient registered with St Andrew’s Medical Centre ( 50 Oakleigh Road London N20 9EX) about general access to services at the practice. The aim of the survey is to enable the ICB to work with the practice, to improve any access concerns that you share. The outcome of the survey will also be shared on the practice’s website. Please note that this... MoreClosed 6 December 2023 -
Winter wellbeing 2023/24
The NHS and its partners in North Central London are working hard and have plans in place to ensure local residents and patients experience safe and resilient services, can access the right care in the right place, and are supported to stay well this winter. This short survey asks about your awareness, views, and experiences of accessing local services and support during the winter period. It will take up to ten minutes to complete. MoreClosed 30 November 2023 -
Derwent Crescent Survey
Wentworth Medical Centre partners’ current arrangement with Derwent Medical Practice landlords ends in March 2024. This means that Derwent Crescent premises will no longer be available for primary care services after this date. Until then, you can continue to be seen at both the practice sites at Wentworth Branch at Derwent Crescent, 20 Derwent Cres, London N20 0QQ and the main site at Wentworth Medical Practice main site: 38 Wentworth Ave, London N3 1YL. We are also... MoreClosed 30 November 2023 -
Brunswick Medical Practice - Patient Survey
Cornwall House Surgery is exploring the possibility of moving our GP services to Torrington Park Health Centre, a modern purpose-built health centre in North Finchley. We are writing to seek the views of all patients currently registered with the practice on our proposal to relocate to the health centre. Cornwall House has served as a GP surgery for over 50 years however, due to its age and Grade 2 listed status, it does not easily comply with the requirements for a modern... MoreClosed 8 November 2023 -
Cornwall House Surgery - Patient Survey
Cornwall House Surgery is exploring the possibility of moving our GP services to Torrington Park Health Centre, a modern purpose-built health centre in North Finchley. We are writing to seek the views of all patients currently registered with the practice on our proposal to relocate to the health centre. Cornwall House has served as a GP surgery for over 50 years however, due to its age and Grade 2 listed status, it does not easily comply with the requirements for a modern... MoreClosed 8 November 2023 -
Eye (ophthalmology) surgery proposals: Feedback survey
The NHS in North Central London (NCL) is seeking feedback on proposed changes to where some patients have planned eye surgery. The proposals will help us to carry out an estimated additional 3,000 eye surgery procedures a year and potentially reduce waits for sight-saving surgery for some people by up to four weeks. MoreClosed 16 October 2023 -
NCL MCoC staff survey
We are keen to receive feedback from midwives working in MCoC models across North Central London. This is specifically to have honest feedback from you as a midwife relating to the significant changes that you and your teams/units are experiencing. The information will be used to advise us at an LMNS level to assist in forward planning and we appreciate your time completing this. Thank you MoreClosed 30 September 2023 -
North Central London Integrated Care Board AGM 2023
The North Central London Integrated Care Board's first Annual General Meeting will be taking place on Tuesday 19 September 2023 in person and online via Teams. Please complete this short form to let us know if you would like to attend. If you have any questions about the AGM, please contact nclicb.communications@nhs.net We look forward to welcoming you. MoreClosed 4 September 2023 -
NHS North Central London Integrated Care Board Patient survey – GP services at Hanley Primary Care Centre
We would like to hear your views on the services provided by your GP practice: Hanley Primary Care Centre . Your GP practice is run by AT Medics – AT Medics has a contract to provide services at your GP practice for all registered patients. The current contract is coming to an end which gives us (NHS North Central London Integrated Care Board - the local commissioner) an opportunity to hear from patients to understand what’s working well and where... MoreClosed 30 August 2023 -
NHS North Central London Integrated Care Board Patient survey – GP services at Barnsbury Medical Practice
We would like to hear your views on the services provided by your GP practice: Barnsbury Medical Practice. Your GP practice is run by Islington GP Group Ltd – Islington GP Group Ltd has a contract to provide services at your GP practice for all registered patients. The current contract is coming to an end which gives us (NHS North Central London Integrated Care Board - the local commissioner) an opportunity to hear from patients to understand what’s... MoreClosed 30 August 2023 -
NHS North Central London Integrated Care Board Patient survey – GP services at JS Medical Practice
We would like to hear your views on the services provided by your GP practice: JS Medical Practice . Your GP practice is run by a group of GPs as part a contract to provide services at your GP practice for all registered patients. The current contract is coming to an end which gives us (NHS North Central London Integrated Care Board - the local commissioner) an opportunity to hear from patients to understand what’s working well and where improvements... MoreClosed 30 August 2023 -
Directed Enhanced Services (DES) Participation 2023-24
Dear Practice Colleague, Thank you for confirming your participation in Directed Enhanced Services for your practice in 2023/24. Please answer all applicable questions via the link below. Your answers will be reviewed by the Primary Care Commissioning & Contracting Team, and queries followed up. If you have any queries, please email the Primary Care Commissioning & Contracting Team at Nlphc.lon-nc-pcc@nhs.net or by replying to your survey... MoreClosed 28 July 2023 -
NHS North Central London ICB - The Northern Medical Centre - Patient Survey
The NHS North Central London Integrated Care Board would like to hear your views to inform the process to determine the longer-term solution for The Northern Medical Centre. This does not mean your GP practice will close or that you need to find a new doctor – your GP practice services will continue uninterrupted. Please follow the link below to complete the survey. If you would like some help to fill out this survey for any reason, please speak to your... MoreClosed 18 July 2023 -
NHS North Central London ICB - Changes to Medicus Health Partners GP practice branch surgeries at Bush Hill Park, Southbury, and Trinity Avenue
This survey relates to changes to Medicus Health Partners GP practice branch surgeries at Bush Hill Park, Southbury Road, and Trinity Avenue. We wrote to you as a registered patient in 2019 and 2020 seeking your views on the proposed closure of the premises for Bush Hill Park, Southbury Road Surgery and Trinity Avenue. Relocating these services to Lincoln Road Surgery and how this may impact you. The closure of the 3 branch sites is still required because they are no... MoreClosed 18 July 2023 -
West Hampstead Medical Centre - Proposed Catchment Area Changes
Dear Resident or Patient, West Hampstead Medical Centre is proposing to reduce our catchment area. These changes will not affect any currently registered patients (or their families registered at the same address) but will impact upon prospective new patients. West Hampstead Medical Centre has the largest growth of any practice in North Central London and are now the biggest single practice in the North Central London NHS region. We currently have over... MoreClosed 7 July 2023 -
NHS North Central London ICB - Proposed Closure of Grenoble Gardens - Patient Survey
This survey relates to the proposed closure of the Grenoble Gardens branch surgery at 1 Grenoble Gardens, Palmers Green N13 6JE Dr Anshumen Bhagat, Dr Rajendra Singh, Dr Veena Singh and Dr Chandra Patalay, have notified NCL Integrated Care Board (ICB) that they wish to close the branch surgery site due to, (1) building safety concerns and (2) to enable better staff cover across their two other sites at Grovelands Medical Centre and Natal Road Surgery. The... MoreClosed 7 July 2023 -
Healthcare professional views on maternity care in Haringey
This survey is to gain feedback from healthcare providers working within maternity services. This survey will only take a few minuts and we would appreciate your taking the time to complete this to assist us with service development across the sector and in particular within Haringey. MoreClosed 12 May 2023 -
2022-2023 Homelessness LCS Educational Event Action Plan
Please click below to start the survey. MoreClosed 17 April 2023 -
NHS North Central London ICB - The Hillview Surgery Patient Survey
This survey relates to the retirement of Dr S Samuel, The Hillview Surgery, 114 Finchley Lane, Hendon NW4 1DG. After many years of providing healthcare services to the local community, Dr Saramma Samuel of The Hillview Surgery, has notified NHS North Central London Integrated Care Board (NCL ICB) that she wishes to retire and resign from her contract and would like to close the practice on 31 May 2023. NCL ICB would like to thank Dr Samuel for her work and dedication to the... MoreClosed 6 April 2023 -
EQIA review update
We are pleased that to launch the update of our reviewed Equality Impact Assessment. We will be hosting training sessions in March for staff to become familiar with the new process. Each session will allow participants to understand: the revised EQIA process and standardised approach expectations of those responsible for completing the EQIA when EQIAs should be done the information required how the protected... MoreClosed 31 March 2023 -
NCL ICB Staff Awards 2022
Help us to celebrate the amazing work of our staff and teams across NCL ICB by nominating an individual or team for a staff award. This year’s staff awards will celebrate the hard work, dedication and supportive care given by our staff throughout the year. Staff award categories Embracing Our Values Unsung Hero Outstanding Leadership Health and Wellbeing Best Team You can nominate an individual for the Embracing Our Values, Unsung Hero,... MoreClosed 28 November 2022 -
Haringey Leg Ulcer Clinic Feedback - Primary Care Staff Feedback
In March 2022, a new leg ulcer clinic opened in Haringey enabling practice staff to refer patients with leg ulcers that did not heal after 4 weeks’ silver or gold standard treatment. Now that the service has been in place for 5 months, we undertaking a short evaluation and would value your feedback on the service. This questionnaire should take no more than 10 minutes to complete. MoreClosed 25 October 2022
233 results.
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