Adult Hearing Assessment Service
Camden Clinical Commissioning Group commissions an Adult Hearing Assessment Service for adults aged fifty and over. The service provides patients with hearing needs assessment, hearing aids, fitting of hearing aids, aftercare for three years, accessories, rehabilitation, and signposting to other relevant services.
The service is provided by four providers, both private and NHS:
- The Royal Free London/Barnet & Chase Farm Hospitals
- Royal National Throat Nose and Ear Hospital (RNTNE)
- InHealth
- Scrivens
The service commenced in April 2013 under a nationally-agreed service specification and an ‘Any Qualified Provider’ (AQP) arrangement. We want to now hear your views on the service and find out about the quality of the healthcare you have received. The answers you give here will be used by Camden CCG to decide on the future commissioning of the service.
- All Areas
- Camden residents
- Senior citizens
- People with disabilities
- Patients
- Women
- Children
- Men
- Young adults
- Ethnic minorities
- Families
- BSL users
- People with long term conditions
- Deaf Health
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